Hearing Instrument Specialist
As a Hawaii native, Todd is an islander at heart but loves being a provider in Wyoming. Todd loves helping his patients live their lives to the fullest through better hearing. Whether it’s a conversation with a loved one or a large family party, Todd doesn’t want his patients to miss a single sound. Todd is committed to finding his patients the best technology for their needs. When he’s not in the office, Todd enjoys spending time reading and traveling to the nations monuments with his wife and kids.
“My primary goal is to help improve my patient’s quality of life. I help my patients communicate better because they can understand speech better. They can better understand their family, friends, bosses and other co-workers. Just think what it would be like if you couldn’t hear your loved ones, your boss, your friends and others. I help them get a BIG part of their lives back. Quality of life is truly priceless.”