How can I recognize hearing problems?
More often than not, hearing loss comes on very gradually, with no obvious symptoms, discomfort or pain. In the beginning, family members often learn to adapt to someone’s hearing loss, but over time recognize that something has changed with you. Recognizing the signs of hearing loss can be as simple as answering the following questions:
Yes No Do you often feel you can hear people talking but can’t understand whats being said?
Yes No Do you experience difficulty understanding in a group or crowd?
Yes No Do you experience difficulty understanding on the telephone?
Yes No Have you ever been told that you listen to the television too loud?
Yes No Have you ever been told you missed hearing the phone ring?
Yes No Do you have ringing or buzzing sounds in your ears?
Yes No Do you often ask people to repeat themselves?
Yes No Do you have problems hearing women’s voices or your grandchildren?