
Visor Card for People with Hearing Loss

August 19, 2017
Matt Dearing

Living with hearing loss can be extremely challenging, particularly when it comes to the day to day routines. You might miss the phone ringing, or not hear the doorbell or oven timer. You don’t hear your spouse calling from the next room, and conversations sometimes turn into shouting matches. Living with hearing loss can be difficult, and even pose a safety risk, especially when driving. If you aren’t able to hear sirens, or the mother yelling as her child runs between two parks cars, then your own safety and that of others is at risk.

When Things Go Wrong

We’ve all been pulled over by police at one time or another. Whether for routine checks, or due to our own actions, speaking with an officer can be stressful. Whatever the case may be, for someone who’s living with untreated hearing loss, these conversations with law enforcement can be a struggle, or even go terribly wrong. That’s what happened in the case of 29-year-old Daniel Harris. He was fatally shot by a state trooper after failing to pull over at a traffic stop. His hearing loss was a factor in the car chase that ended with Harris’ tragic death.

Getting pulled over at night can be even more complicated. Imagine the lights of the police car reflecting off your mirrors and shining in your eyes. From the police car, the loudspeaker crackles. Did they say to stay in the car? Or get out of the car? For someone who is deaf or hard of hearing, these situations can turn bad very quickly. If you get pulled over in the dark, turn on your interior lights so the officer can see you are being compliant, and aren’t doing anything threatening.

Get a Visor Card

First things first. We strongly recommend getting a visor card, stating that you are deaf or hard of hearing. Keep the visor card on your visor so it’s easily accessible in emergencies. If it’s in your wallet or purse, you may not be able to get it out in time. When you get pulled over, get the visor card ready. You have two options.

Simply turn the visor towards the side window so when the officer approaches he will be able to read the card. You could also unclip the card and place it on your steering wheel. Place both your hands on the wheel in plain sight, and leave them there until you know it’s safe to move them. Don’t try to hand the visor card to the officer, as this could seem like a threat. Always start by telling the officer you have hearing loss and point to the visor message.

Learn more about a visor card and buy or print one off here.

What to Do If You Get Pulled Over

Since hearing loss is an invisible disability, be sure to take extra precautions if you are pulled over. The officer will expect you to answer his questions, and might not have a lot of patience with you answering inappropriately, or asking him to repeat a question. Watch the officer as he gives instructions, and don’t guess at what he might be saying. If you don’t understand the directions, repeat that you are hard of hearing, and ask him to repeat his instructions or write them down on a piece of paper.

Never act on an instruction unless you’re 100% sure that’s what was instructed. If the officer asks if you knew your signal light wasn’t working, but you think he’s asking for your registration and insurance and reach for the glove box, this could be taken as a threat. Mishearing a question can lead to a major misunderstanding. It’s important that you’re extremely cautious when you get pulled over. Repeat what you think the officer just requested and remind them again that you experience a hearing loss.

Get Your Hearing Tested and Get Fitted for Hearing Aids

If you struggle to hear and you’re tired of being worried about your safety when pulled over by law enforcement, schedule an appointment for a hearing test. Not only is your safety at risk when you get pulled over, but every time you get behind the wheel. Driving is dangerous when you can’t hear the sounds around you, don’t notice the honking of the car preparing to pass you, or don’t catch the sirens warning that a firetruck is about to run a red light. Protect yourself by looking after your hearing, and finding the hearing device that will allow you to hear clearly in any situation, whether at home, at work, or in the car.

To schedule a hearing test, visit us at one of our My Hearing Centers locations today. Our friendly team will work with you to find the best solution for your hearing needs.

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