Summer Noises - How to Prevent Hearing Damage from Lawn Mowers and Other Equipment

Summer Noises – How to Prevent Hearing Damage from Lawn Mowers and Other Equipment

June 20, 2023
Matt Dearing

For us, nothing says summer like Barbecues, ice cream, and, of course, the unavoidable chores like mowing the lawn and DIY projects. But did you know that these delightful sounds of summer might be more of a bane than a boon for your hearing? Unfortunate, but true. It’s our responsibility, as your trusted hearing practice, to fill you in on the risks and, more importantly, how you can prevent them.

Your Hearing and Summer Noises: The Downlow

As much as we hate being the bearer of bad news, those roaring lawn mowers and power tools can generate noises louder than 90 decibels. Consistent exposure to these levels is like inviting a houseguest named ‘Hearing Loss’. And we assure you, that’s not a guest you want staying over. These noises are more than just a nuisance – they’re a significant, often overlooked risk to your hearing health.

The Real Culprits: Lawn Mowers and Power Tools

Surprisingly, it’s not the loud concerts or the city traffic that’s the primary summer villain for your ears. It’s the routine activities, like mowing your lawn or doing a bit of DIY. The lawn mower that seems innocent can produce sounds of about 90 decibels, while power tools can crank that up to 100 or even 120 decibels. Regular exposure to these noise levels can potentially cause long-term hearing damage. And as hearing professionals, we can assure you, it’s not something you want on your summer agenda.

The Solution: Protective Measures

Now that we’ve introduced you to the problem, it’s time for the good news. Damage to your hearing from these summer noises is preventable! And prevention starts with awareness. Recognize when the noise might be a threat to your ears. Use ear protection like noise-canceling headphones or earplugs when doing loud chores. Take breaks in between tasks to give your ears some respite. Remember, safeguarding your hearing is as crucial as applying sunscreen!

Can’t Ignore It Anymore: Recognizing the Signs

Are you already experiencing a slight muffling of sound or a ringing in your ears after mowing the lawn? That’s your body’s way of waving a red flag. Don’t ignore it. We understand that it can be easy to disregard these signs, attributing them to tiredness or ‘just one of those things’. However, these could be early signs of noise-induced hearing loss.

The Next Step: Embracing Hearing Aids

Are you suspecting that the summer noise has already had an impact on your hearing? First off, don’t worry, you’re not alone, and it’s great that you’ve taken the first step in recognizing the problem. It might be time to consider getting a hearing aid. They’ve come a long way from the bulky, inconvenient devices of the past. Today, they are sleek, comfortable, and often barely noticeable. Hearing aids are, hands down, the best treatment available for hearing loss. They not only help you hear better but also significantly improve your overall quality of life.

Don’t Wait: The Time to Act is Now

Your hearing is precious. Just like you wouldn’t compromise on your vision, there’s no reason you should compromise on your hearing. So, let’s take a stand against summer noise-induced hearing damage together. It’s never too early or too late to start protecting your hearing.

Ready to take the next step? Fantastic! We’re here for you. Book an appointment at our hearing practice today. Let us help you continue to enjoy the vibrant sounds of life, including those summertime symphonies, without compromising your hearing.

Thank you for joining us in this conversation. We hope we’ve provided you with valuable insights and actionable steps to protect your hearing this summer. Here’s to a summer of fun, sun, and excellent hearing health!

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