Hearing Loss and Millennials

Hearing Loss and Millennials

August 12, 2018
Matt Dearing

You might think that hearing loss only affects seniors, but that is far from the truth. Hearing loss affects people of all ages, and millennials are more at risk now than ever before. Living in crowded cities, being exposed to excessive noise levels, and attending loud concerts puts young people at a high risk of hearing loss.

Hearing Loss Isn’t Just for Seniors

Millennials are facing higher rates of hearing loss than ever before. From overuse of earbuds and personal listening devices to playing loud video games and watching TV, they are exposed to far louder sounds than in the past. Many risk hearing loss from crowded sports arenas full of cheering fans, and extremely loud concerts where sounds reach dangerous levels. Many teens and young adults don’t want to admit that they have hearing loss, even though they have a hard time following conversation or are constantly worried about answering inappropriately. They struggle to interact with peers, do well in school, or hold down a job.

The World Health Organization estimates that more than 1 billion teenagers and young adults risk hearing loss, and in America an estimated 17% of 12 to 19-year-olds have some noise induced hearing loss. This hearing loss is permanent, and once the cells in the ear die they don’t regenerate, so these sounds are lost forever. Unfortunately, many young people don’t realize that hearing loss is permanent, and continue to engage in activities that will damage their hearing.

One Millennial’s Journey with Hearing Loss

Anna Pulley is a 33-year-old millennial living with deafness. She recently wrote an article for the New York magazine The Cutcalled My Ridiculous, Romantic, Painful Adventures in Deafness, detailing her journey with hearing loss. In the article, she shows that its not just baby boomers, but also millennials who face serious hearing loss. From issues with finding a job, hilarious misunderstandings while dating, and heartbreaking miscommunications, daily life is challenging for everyone with hearing loss, no matter what age. Just like seniors, millennials also face difficulties with communication that affect their everyday life. “I catch words but not sentences. I’m worthless in bars, group settings, any instance where someone is not looking directly at me in a quiet room. I make guesses at conversations that are met with blank stares or outright laughter. I nod recklessly and make bold assumptions,” recounts Pulley, detailing the experiences of anyone struggling with hearing loss. She’s also struggled with loneliness and social isolation. “I want to be around people,” she writes, “but it’s difficult to convince them to come to my house and sit in a well-lit, silent room with just me.” Hearing loss affects everyone, regardless of age.

Protecting Hearing

If you’re a millennial, don’t assume only seniors struggle to hear. Take the time to learn about hearing loss, and make sure you’re protecting your hearing. Wear hearing protection at sports events and concerts, and even during your daily commute to work if necessary. Do you listen to music with your iPhone or iPod, and turn up the volume far too loud? Try to limit the time you spend listening with earbuds, and take frequent breaks, and invest in noise canceling headphones so you can hear clearly without cranking up the volume to block out background sounds.

Treating Hearing Loss

Seniors and young people alike wait far too long to admit that they have hearing loss. Many wait years before acknowledging their hearing loss or seeking treatment, and the longer you wait, the worse your hearing will become. You may think you’re doing a good job at hiding your hearing loss, but people notice when you answer inappropriately, and your friends have all caught that puzzled look on your face as you’re trying to make out what’s been said.

Visit Us at My Hearing Centers

If you or anyone in your family has been struggling to hear, don’t waste another day! Visit us at My Hearing Centers for a hearing assessment. For millennials, clear hearing is especially important, allowing them to be successful in their studies, in getting jobs, and in establishing close relationships. Our team of hearing specialists will put your mind at ease, and help you find the perfect device to fit your lifestyle and hearing needs.

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