If you are like 61 percent of all consumers, you read online reviews before you purchase a product. If you are in the market for your first hearing aid or a replacement, you will probably read at least one hearing aid review before you make your purchase. You can learn all sorts of information from reading reviews, such as price, durability and customer satisfaction. Sometimes, however, it can be difficult to tell a bad hearing aid review from a good one. Here are four things you should consider when reading a hearing aid review.
- Does the reviewer have the same type of hearing loss as you?
Hearing aids vary a great deal in price, size, placement and function. A completely-in-the-canal (CIC) hearing aid improves mild to moderate hearing loss, for example, while an in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aid works for those with severe hearing loss.
- Is the information detailed enough to be useful?
Generic reviews, such as “best hearing aid for the money” and “works well” are flattering, but do not contain enough information to help you make an informed decision. Look for reviews that might say that a particular model works as well as a certain, more expensive brand, for example; or one that details how a model amplifies conversation in noisy environments.
- What was the reviewer’s state of mind when writing the review?
Consumers often write reviews immediately after making the purchase, when the details of the experiences are still fresh in their minds. Purchasing is a highly emotional process; buying hearing aids can be especially emotional because it entails the purchase of a medical device that can significantly improve the quality of life. Reviewers who were happy with their purchases tend to write wildly enthusiastic praise about the product while unhappy consumers will rant about every aspect of their misery. This means it can be difficult to find a review that gives unemotional testimony about the quality of a product.
- Does the review answer real questions?
Look for reviews that answer your real questions about hearing aids. Does the review discuss the brand’s ability to amplify voice adequately over background noise, for example? Or does it talk specifically about difficulty adjusting the hearing aid volume when moving from one environment to another?
Reading at least one hearing aid review is essential for making the best purchase possible. These reviews provide valuable information about price, function and comfort. Knowing what to consider when reading these reviews can simplify the process and help you get the hearing aid you need.