Hearing Loss: The Invisible Epidemic Affecting Millions
Have you ever felt like you’re the only person in the world who struggles to hear? You can’t spot anyone else with hearing loss, and that’s exactly what makes this an “invisible epidemic.” While everyone …
Hearing Loss is Under Treated Nationally and Why You Should Get a Hearing Test
Having hearing loss might not seem like such a big deal to you. Maybe you don’t always hear the phone ring, or your spouse gets upset when you ask them to repeat themselves again, but …
Hearing Loss Rates Rises in Younger Generation
Do you ever assume that hearing loss is something that only affects seniors? Like most people, this is a common belief – and it could put your hearing at risk. Hearing loss can affect anyone, …
Starkey’s Halo 2 is a Finalist for an Innovation Prize at SXSW
Starkey has always been one of our favorite brands for their commitment to providing the best in hearing technology. Their latest Halo 2 Made For iPhone device is no exception. We’re not the only ones …
YouTube Videos Captioned for Viewers with Hearing Loss
Who doesn’t enjoy catching up on a favorite TV show, watching a movie, or searching YouTube for news commentary, actor interviews, and blooper reels? We normally don’t think twice about switching from the TV to …
IRS Warns of Scam Targeting Hard of Hearing Citizens
Hearing loss is a real struggle that affects every aspect of life. Whether it’s having coffee with your friends, answering the phone, babysitting the grandkids, or a normal day at the office, hearing loss makes …
New Study Reveals Second Cause of Hidden Hearing Loss
Have you ever wondered if you have hearing loss? Perhaps you have trouble hearing your friends when you’re out for drinks, or don’t understand conversations during dinner in a noisy restaurant. Did you go for …