Jerry Sloan began his role as senior basketball adviser with the Utah Jazz in June of 2013, after having previously served the organization as either head coach, assistant coach or scout every year over a …
6 Realities About Hearing Loss Your Parents Want You to Know
Hearing loss is a life changer, but something that many people experience as they grow older. Inside the ear are tiny hair cells that convert sound waves into something the brain can interpret. As a …
How a Hearing Loss Evaluation Could Save Your Marriage
“Honey, could you bring me a glass of water?” “What did you say?” “A glass of water, please.” “Say that again? “A glass of water!” “You want a glass of what?” “Water!!” If this …
The Evolution of Hearing Aid Technology
Throughout human existence, people have struggled with being deaf or hard of hearing. Today, approximately 13% of Americans experience hearing loss in both of their ears. Fortunately, the technology to correct hearing problems has never …
How Hearing Aids Have Changed Over the Last 5 Years
Hearing aid technology isn’t what it used to be; it’s better. The days of clunky speakers hung over the back of the ears have given way to sleeker, more functional designs. In just a short …
4 Unusual Hearing Loss Signs to Look for in Your Loved Ones
The onset of hearing loss is rarely sudden. People who are losing This ability often compensate in ways that show those around them a problem exists. This is how you know someone you love may …
3 Reasons You Should be Talking to Your Parents About Hearing Loss
One-third of people over the age of 61 experience some level of hearing loss, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians. There is more going on here than just having to turn up the television, …
What Will Hearing Aid Prices be in 5 Years? Do you Really Want to Wait?
If your ability to hear is failing, a hearing aid is an essential piece of equipment. However, hearing aids are far from cheap, and the price continues to increase over time. Historical Hearing Aid Prices According …
5 Common Myths About the Cost of Hearing Aids
Nearly 30 million Americans, or 13% of the population, have hearing loss in both ears. This may range from minor hearing problems to pure deafness. Regardless of the severity of the problem, however, hearing loss …
Is Getting a Hearing Aid Worth the Cost?
Are you letting the cost of hearing aids hold you back? Perhaps you are not seeing the big picture then. The right hearing product opens up the world to you and lowers your risk of some complex …