Prioritize Better Hearing in the New Year

Prioritize Better Hearing in the New Year

Matt DearingHealth, Hearing Health

Happy New Year! As we ring in the New Year, now is the perfect time to reflect on the past year and make resolutions for the year ahead. Do any of your New Year’s resolutions involve your health and wellbeing? One resolution that should be at the top of your list is to book an annual hearing test. 

Why It’s Important to Have Annual Hearing Tests

We all want to live our healthiest life, and the New Year is a perfect time to start a few more healthy habits. Focusing on preventing serious illnesses by staying healthy is often the best way to improve our overall health. We exercise to promote heart health and eat healthy foods to lower the risk of diabetes. Are you ready to add another important habit this year?

Annual hearing tests are the best way to monitor your hearing health. This test just takes an hour, and you only need to have one test per year. A hearing test can give you a full picture of your hearing health, and it will help you notice hearing loss as soon as your hearing begins to change. 

Hearing Loss is Gradual

One reason annual hearing tests are so important is that hearing loss is often gradual. Your hearing may change so slowly that you have a hard time recognizing the change. You don’t notice the sounds you’re missing because they may fade out slowly over time. 

An annual hearing test can show you exactly what you’re hearing, and what sounds you’re missing. You can compare this to your test last year to track any changes in your hearing health. And if you have mild or moderate hearing loss, your hearing health specialist can recommend the best treatment option for you. 

Why Early Treatment Matters

Hearing doesn’t just affect our ears. Hearing loss is linked to a wide range of other health concerns. Untreated hearing loss can lead to social isolation, loneliness, and a greater risk of depression. It can also contribute to rapid cognitive decline and increase the chances of developing dementia. Finding and treating hearing loss early can make all the difference in maintaining our overall physical and mental health. 

Don’t Wait to Prioritize Your Hearing

On average, people wait between 5 to 7 years before they get a hearing test! They may not realize they have hearing loss or may not recognize just how serious their hearing loss is. While you wait to book a hearing test, your hearing loss gets worse and will start to impact more areas of your life. 

Could you imagine living with diabetes or heart disease for years before seeking treatment? Prioritize better hearing in the new year and do what’s right for your overall health and wellbeing. 

Baseline Hearing Testing

If you haven’t had a hearing test in a few years, you can start with a baseline hearing test. This short test will give you a baseline understanding of your hearing health. Everyone has slightly different hearing, and a baseline test can show you what sounds you can hear at each pitch. Next time you get a hearing test, you can compare your hearing test to the baseline test to see how your hearing has changed.

Comprehensive Hearing Testing

If your baseline test shows that you have hearing loss, you should book a comprehensive hearing test. Annual comprehensive tests are also recommended for adults over age 60. During a comprehensive test, a hearing health specialist will test your hearing to find out exactly what sounds you are missing.

Prioritize Better Hearing in the New Year

Are you ready to prioritize your hearing health in the New Year? Call us today to book a hearing test and learn more about your hearing. We offer comprehensive hearing tests to help you find out exactly what you can hear. We also have a huge selection of hearing aids to suit every hearing need. By treating your hearing loss you can follow conversations, stay more social, and improve your confidence. You’ll also keep your brain active and healthy as you hear all the sounds around you. 

For more information about hearing tests, and how you can prioritize better hearing, contact us and speak to a hearing health specialist today.