Statistics: Veterans with Hearing Loss According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, “Veterans are more likely to suffer hearing loss because of their military experience, employment, socioeconomic status, lack of access to health care, and …
Why are Restaurants so Loud?
What Did You Say? In the past decade, chefs have become the new rock stars and restaurants the new live venue. So it should come as no surprise that restaurants are louder in recent years …
Canine Companions: A Healthy Choice for the Hard of Hearing
It’s no secret that trained service dogs have amazing benefits for veterans, the elderly, and people with impaired vision, but did you know that they can do wonders for the hard of hearing as well? …
Occupational Hearing Hazards
Occupational Hearing Loss Statistics Annually, approximately 30 million people are exposed to dangerous levels of noise while on the job, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). OSHA reports that noise-related hearing loss …
On Hearing Looped Venues
When You Need a Little More Assistance These days, hearing aids are technologically advanced, digital, wireless devices that provide clear sound, fast processing, and great accessibility. Hearing aids keep you connected to the world around …
Why Doesn’t Medicare Cover Hearing Aids?
Medicare at 50 Medicare was established in 1965 to provide health care benefits and services for older Americans, especially those who have a low income. Every year, Medicare serves approximately 46 million Americans, age 65 …
What is Early-Onset Hearing Loss?
Presbycusis is the gradual hearing loss that affects around 25 percent of the seniors in this country. It usually starts between the ages of 55 and 64. A small number of people will experience loss of hearing …
The Link Between Hearing Loss and Alzheimer’s Disease
Can hearing loss really lead to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease? This theory has been tossed around quite a bit lately, but there’s no reason for alarm; however, there are a few things you need to …
The Real Cost of Hearing Loss
When people think about hearing loss, they generally don’t think about the impact hearing loss has on our society as a whole, not to mention the impact it has on a large segment of our …
Will Listening to Loud Music Really Cause Hearing Loss?
How much does using earbuds impact your hearing health? The need to turn up the volume does indeed cause problems with your ears, but it extends beyond just the use of earbuds or headphones. It …