My Hearing Centers - Oticon's HearingFitness App Wins CES 2018 Award

Oticon’s HearingFitness App Wins CES 2018 Award

Matt DearingHearing, Hearing Aids, Hearing Loss, News

If you’ve been wanting to track how well you’re hearing, or get your ears in shape, then Oticon’s new HearingFitness App is the perfect solution! Hearing is about far more than being able to follow conversations, it has long-lasting effects on your relationships, your physical and mental health, and even your safety. Don’t wait to hear, but make sure your ears, and your hearing aids are hearing everything they should.

How the HearingFitness App Works

Oticon’s new app is all about taking the stress out of tracking your hearing health. This app not only improves your hearing, it impacts your hearing health as well! Just like the Fitbit your daughter won’t stop talking about, the HearingFitness app tracks a wide range of overall health measures like heartrate, activity levels, and sleep. When it comes to hearing, the HearingFitness app knows everything, tracking your hearing aid usage, listening effort, and listening environment. Using all these measurements, the HearingFitness App is able to give you unique suggestions on how to hear better, protect your hearing health, make healthy lifestyle choices, and optimize your Opn hearing aids so they’ll do all the work and let you have all the fun.

Hearing and Health

You might think that hearing loss only affects how you hear. The reality is that hearing affects many aspects of your life, from your relationships to your work, your social life, and even your physical health. Struggling to hear leaves you frustrated in conversations and unable to connect fully with the people around you. Concentrating on tasks will be more difficult, and you’ll be out of energy at the end of a normal day. “Hearing plays a huge role in people’s overall health and well-being,” says Don Schum, PhD, Vice President of Audiology at Oticon, “and HearingFitness, paired with Opn, encourages routine use of hearing aids to improve hearing and the ability to engage in social settings.”

Not only does the app tell you how well you’re hearing, it shows you how your hearing health is tied to your overall health and suggests ways to improve both. The app encourages you to make changes to how you hear to be healthier. “The HearingFitness app helps people with hearing loss understand how their behavior and hearing health habits can influence how effective their treatment is,” said Schum.

Hearing and Dementia

One concerning link between health and hearing loss is the link between hearing and dementia. Many studies have shown that living with untreated hearing loss significantly increases your risk of developing dementia. Hearing loss is closely tied to more rapid cognitive decline due to the social isolation that often accompanies hearing loss. Hearing aids are an important part of keeping both your body and your brain healthy, and the HearingFitness App can help you use your hearing aids fully, protect your health, and lower your risk of dementia.

A Brain First Approach

The HearingFitness App works so well because it builds on Oticon’s brain first approach, that’s all about helping your brain hear. Opn’s platform is designed to reduce listening effort, work with your brain to fill gaps in hearing rather than just amplifying sounds, and leave you with energy for the more important things in life.

Award Winning Technology

Oticon’s new HearingFitness App was just declared the winner of a CES 2018 Innovation Award for its lifechanging concept and design. Working with Oticon’s Opn Made For iPhone hearing aid, you’ve never seen anything like it before. These hearing aids are the best in connectivity, and the new HearingFitness app takes full advantage of that. Using your iPhone, the app is able to collect data on all the common health measures, and is able to combine these with hearing aid data to help you hear better and get your ears in shape. You’ll receive suggestions on healthy lifestyle choices, recommendations on when to protect your ears, and ways to optimize hearing aid usage to get the most out of your Opn hearing aids.

If you want to get your ears in shape, or to learn more about Oticon’s Opn hearing aids, visit us today at My Hearing Centers to check out this exciting new device that’s far more than just a hearing aid.