Hearing aids are the finest investment we can make to enhance our lives for those with hearing loss. Consider the first time your hearing aids were installed and the instant clarity and amplification of sounds …
How Treating Hearing Loss Can Help Support Your Mental Health
Although hearing loss is commonly associated with aging, it affects people of all ages in vast numbers. And with hearing loss comes many mental health risks, especially if the hearing loss is left untreated. A …
Common Questions about Hearing Loss
If you or someone you care about has trouble hearing, you may have some questions about hearing loss. Have you noticed any changes in your hearing or started to find it hard to understand what …
Protect Yourself From Environmental Noise Pollution
Our noise problem is getting worse in a world that is no doubt getting busier. Noise pollution is on track to become the next big public health problem. Harmful noise levels can hurt our hearing, …
Healthy Communication with Your Family
About 48 million Americans have hearing loss; by age 65, one in three has trouble hearing. Hearing loss that isn’t treated can hurt a person’s physical and mental health and ability to make friends, do …
Assisting Students Who are Hard of Hearing
Learning at school can be challenging for any student, but the problems can be even more numerous for a child with hearing loss. Even if a child doesn’t have an IEP (Individualized Education Plan), teachers …
Monitor Your Earbud Use to Protect Your Hearing
You can find earbuds almost anywhere. Everyone has at least one pair, from cheap ones from the drugstore to high-tech ones blocking noise. We wear them to work, walk the dog, and go to the …
Exercise, Diet, Sleep, and Hearing Can Affect Your Brain’s Aging Process
How much do you know about the health of your brain? Your brain ages slowly over time, just like every other body part. But there are a few things that can speed up the aging …
Ways to Protect Your Hearing
You’ve heard it a thousand times but it bears repeating: Prevention is better than the cure when it comes to health. People can live longer and healthier lives by taking care of their health. People …
What is Sudden Hearing Loss
Most permanent hearing loss happens slowly over time. It can be caused by getting older, exposure to loud noise for a long time, or a combination of both. Explosively loud sounds can also damage your …