Are you a business owner, or responsible for holding meetings at the office? It’s estimated that around 60% of those with hearing loss are in the workforce or an educational institution, so making your workplace …
Tips for Better Communication with People with Hearing Loss
If you or a loved one has hearing loss, you’ve experienced the difficulty of communicating effectively. You try to speak clearly, and make sure your loved one has understood you, but sometimes it seems that …
Nonverbal Cues to Help You in Meetings
Have you been struggling to hear? Do you dread attending or leading meetings at work, feel like you miss half of what’s being said, or worry that your boss will be upset? Along with treating …
Enjoying the Holidays with Hearing Loss
Navigating the holidays can be challenging for everyone. You spend time with the extended family, reconnect with a long-lost cousin, and spend quality time with the people you care about the most. Balancing all these …
Don’t Let Hearing Loss Keep You from Communicating
Being human is all about communicating. We talk to our loved ones, we meet our friends for drinks, and we socialize with our coworkers. But if you’re one of the nearly 40 million Americans suffering …