Although hearing loss is commonly associated with aging, it affects people of all ages in vast numbers. And with hearing loss comes many mental health risks, especially if the hearing loss is left untreated. A …
Why You Should Schedule a Hearing Test for World Alzheimer’s Month
This month, let’s take a moment to talk about Alzheimer’s disease, which affects many people directly or through someone they care about. This is the most common type of dementia, a more general term for …
Healthy Communication with Your Family
About 48 million Americans have hearing loss; by age 65, one in three has trouble hearing. Hearing loss that isn’t treated can hurt a person’s physical and mental health and ability to make friends, do …
Assisting Students Who are Hard of Hearing
Learning at school can be challenging for any student, but the problems can be even more numerous for a child with hearing loss. Even if a child doesn’t have an IEP (Individualized Education Plan), teachers …
Monitor Your Earbud Use to Protect Your Hearing
You can find earbuds almost anywhere. Everyone has at least one pair, from cheap ones from the drugstore to high-tech ones blocking noise. We wear them to work, walk the dog, and go to the …
Talking to Your Loved One about Hearing Loss Treatment
Did you know that hearing loss is one of the most common medical conditions in the United States? It affects approximately 48 million Americans, including a third of people over 65 and half older than …
Why Do Masks Make It So Difficult to Communicate
Public health officials are requesting that we all wear masks when we’re out doing errands and when we’re meeting with friends. For both people with normal hearing and people with hearing loss, wearing a mask …
Tips for Video Calls and Group Chats for Hearing Loss
Has your work or social life been moving online? It can be hard to hear people speak during group meetings, and even people with normal hearing often have difficulty following what’s being said. If you …
Tips for Communicating with Face Masks
Health experts are reminding us that an effective way to slow the spread of COVID-19 is to wear face masks. We’re being encouraged to keep our mouths and noses covered, and stand at least six …
Communication At Work | May is Better Hearing and Speech Month!
This month is Better Hearing and Speech Month! Since 1927, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association has dedicated the month of May to raising awareness about hearing and speech disorders, and the importance of clear communication. The …