Size matters: a new generation of sleek hearing aids

Size Matters: A New Generation of Sleek Hearing Aids

Matt DearingHearing Loss

If you’ve been living with hearing loss, what’s holding you back from getting hearing aids and enjoying all the sounds around you? Hearing technology is designed to make your life better and improve your hearing, not create anxiety. Today’s hearing devices aren’t your grandmother’s hearing aids you would never want to wear, those unsightly devices behind her ear that whistled every time you gave her a hug. Modern hearing devices are small, sleek, and beautifully designed technology that you’ll be excited to put on in the morning.

Facing Stigma

You might be imagining a clunky, behind the ear device that sticks to the side of your head and labels you as “old.” We understand your concerns. If you’re active and young-at-heart, you’re afraid of the stigma of hearing loss, and this is one of the biggest barriers to seeking treatment for your hearing loss. While other issues that affect you as you age, such as diabetes or arthritis, are viewed as a normal part of aging, having hearing loss is associated with old age and failing health. This just isn’t true.

As younger adults and even children and teens are diagnosed with hearing loss and want to wear hearing devices, hearing technology has advanced rapidly. Modern hearing aids are sophisticated, elegant, and discreet, providing advanced programs that are designed to fit your lifestyle, and go virtually unnoticed by everyone around you. In fact, asking someone to repeat themselves multiple times makes you seem much older than a slender device tucked discreetly behind your ear, or hidden in your ear canal.

Modern Hearing Devices

Don’t rule out hearing aids based on what you think you know about hearing technology, but join us in combating stigma, one beautiful pair of hearing aids at a time. In recent years, huge improvements have been made in hearing technology, with advanced functionality, small size, easy to use features, digital connectivity, and rechargeable batteries that make these devices the cat’s meow.

At My Hearing Centers, we have a large selection of top hearing devices, from all the leading brands including Phonak, ReSound, and Starkey. Sophisticated programs balance sounds, reduce background noise, minimize feedback, and improve hearing in any setting, whether it’s music listening, lunch at a crowded café, TV watching, or any outdoor activity with lots of wind or feedback.

The Dangers of Living with Hearing Loss

While you put off safeguarding your hearing health, your hearing continues to deteriorate. As you feel yourself falling behind in conversations, you might start missing social functions and face embarrassment as you aren’t able to keep up with the conversations around you. This may lead you to pull back, and avoid social situations, feeling isolated and alone. Those with untreated hearing loss have much higher rates of anxiety and depression, and face negative repercussions in both their personal and professional relationships.

The average American will wait seven years from when they notice signs of hearing loss until they book a hearing test. For most, hearing loss may have begun long before retirement, when they worked in noisy sectors and didn’t wear hearing protection. If this sounds like you or you’ve been living with hearing loss, it’s time to get back the valuable time with your family and friends that’s slipping through your fingers.

Explore Your Options

Hearing loss is one of the most prevalent chronic health conditions in America, and remains underdiagnosed and undertreated despite the ease of both diagnosis and treatment. This is all starting to change. As people retire younger and are more active through their senior years, hearing aids have kept up with the changes, providing advanced hearing technology that fits into tiny devices and keeps up with your active lifestyle. Don’t get left out of any more conversations and get back into your comfort zone, enjoying conversations and social events in a way you didn’t think would be possible ever again.

Visit us today at one of our many My Hearing Centers locations to check out the latest hearing aids. You’ll be surprised by how small and discreet and smart these modern hearing devices are. We know that size matters. Some models sit discreetly behind the ear, while others disappear completely within the ear. For the right hearing aid that fits your lifestyle and offers the technology you need to get the most out of life, come to My Hearing Centers to meet with a hearing professional.